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Wednesday, 8 June 2011

We are back !!

Todays Session – Wednesday 8th June 2011
Attendees:         Dixy Boy, Saq
Choonage:          Jurassic 5 (WTF)
Pre – munch:     None. Not even an apple.

Have now been back from holiday for just over 3 weeks and although i have not posted for a while doesn’t mean i aint been training. Alright !!!

Last two weeks, i have bummed up the Creatine levels and found myself working harder, faster and better in the gym. The sessions i have been doing have been all weights, focussing on the following:

·         Back and chest                  (day 1)
·         Triceps & Biceps               (Day 3)
·         Legs                                       (Day 4)
·         Shoulders & Abs               (Day 5)

I have to say, the legs workouts, which i have not been doing for over 6 months, felt awesome. Your leg muscles account for 2/3 of the muscle in your body so it is VITAL you work them. I dinghied them as i played a lot of football and found my legs were in good shape. MISTAKE. You HAVE to work your legs for good overall body fitness and I am glad they are back in the swing of things again J

Today, at 7am, Dixy and I met up at my garage and started to talk shit about how great Man united were this season. Champ19ns. Aye right. Did we *&^£ !!

We started off on a major heart rate booster. It was like this. Dixy had the focus pads on, i had my gloves on. It was a lovely warm sunny morning . . .

Jab cross on the focus pads > into a pressup> jab cross > burpee > jab cross > Squat > jab cross > star jump – for 3 minutes

The first session i did 10 of these combos and dixy did 16. Well done bruv !

Then we went into focus pad drills 3 x 1 minute of the following:

·         Fast jab crosses – 1 min
·         Fast upper cuts – 1 min
·         Fast hooks – 1 min

Second round of these was as above however whilst bouncing on toes. Adrenaline rusher, metabolism booster, fat burner (an any other adjectives Mens health can throw at you !)

Then we did 3 minute rounds consisting of 1 minute on the bag, focussing on foot movement and 1 minute on the speedball (God my neighbours were growling at me as i left to go to work this morning )

This was done for two rounds and then we went for a 10 minute run, which was broken up as a semi HIIT workout. Every second lamppost we sprinted. Until the last one. Which was 4 lampposts long and afterwards i was busted !

When i got back, Dixy had to leave and i finished off with 10 mins ab work

All in all, good workout. Not great. But it got me into morning mode again. Morning HIIT mode. Which was booster.

Felt a slight niggle in my left forearm, so will see how that pans out today before i get back into my weights tomorrow.

On another note. My ZMA capsules ran out two weeks ago and it has kinda fatigued me out in a strange kinda way. These are due in again tomorrow so from then on. It really is on fool !!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great day whatever you are doing today. Maan I feel like a motivational coach haha



  1. haha very good saq, Jurassic 5 rule mate.

    Liverpool 5
    Manchester 3


    Back to this mornings sesh, was good but your energy and fitness levels have certiainly took a dive since your hols.

    Get back in it and u will be good to go in another week.

    Let me know when u r up for another ass whoopin

  2. I know bruv, but give it a week or less and i will be back into it. We need up the ante in terms of frequency for doing this. Needs to be twice a week yar. Get yer finger oot !

  3. Good man Saq, check out this article on fitness myths, pretty good read http://health.yahoo.net/experts/menshealth/5-biggest-exercise-myths
